Welcome To

Arua Persons with disability District Union

Disability with ability and purpose for every person living with disability. 

About Us

Persons with disability came together to address there issues on capacity building, network working, lobby funds etc Membership is sub count associations and disability organization

There is power is your weakness, meaning everyone has the opportunity and strength to grow and make a change in themselves and the community. We encourage individuals to grow there abilities with help from other individuals. “Be the change you want to see”


pathway to abundant belonging

Early Intervention Services

We are available for persons with disability providing increased personal and mental health.

Vocational Skill building

Every person with a means to provide for themselves through the development of hands on skills like bakery and candle making.

Sustainable Employment

Providing person with disability the knowledge on their rights for employment and stay on job.

We are a movement of grace and peace building connections that help persons with disability Grow Confidence and courage

Our Team

Dickson Omara

Head of Sign Language

Mathew Gray

Head of Visual Interpretation

Grace Okello

Head of Braille Teaching

You have what it takes, "Be the change you want to see"

Our Amazing Partners

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